11.10. Exercises¶
The following sample file called
contains one line for each student in an imaginary class. The student’s name is the first thing on each line, followed by some exam scores. The number of scores might be different for each student.Data file:studentdata.txt
joe 10 15 20 30 40 bill 23 16 19 22 sue 8 22 17 14 32 17 24 21 2 9 11 17 grace 12 28 21 45 26 10 john 14 32 25 16 89
Using the text file
write a program that prints out the names of students that have more than six quiz scores.
Using the text file
(shown in exercise 1) write a program that calculates the average grade for each student, and print out the student’s name along with their average grade.
Using the text file
(shown in exercise 1) write a program that calculates the minimum and maximum score for each student. Print out their name as well.
Here is a file called
that contains some sample data from a lab experiment.Data file:labdata.txt
44 71 79 37 78 24 41 76 19 12 19 32 28 36 22 58 89 92 91 6 53 7 27 80 14 34 8 81 80 19 46 72 83 96 88 18 96 48 77 67
Interpret the data file
such that each line contains a an x,y coordinate pair. Write a function calledplotRegression
that reads the data from this file and uses a turtle to plot those points and a best fit line according to the following formulas:\(y = \bar{y} + m(x - \bar{x})\)
\(m = \frac{\sum{x_iy_i - n\bar{x}\bar{y}}}{\sum{x_i^2}-n\bar{x}^2}\)
where \(\bar{x}\) is the mean of the x-values, \(\bar{y}\) is the mean of the y- values and \(n\) is the number of points. If you are not familiar with the mathematical \(\sum\) it is the sum operation. For example \(\sum{x_i}\) means to add up all the x values.
Your program should analyze the points and correctly scale the window using
so that that each point can be plotted. Then you should draw the best fit line, in a different color, through the points.
At the bottom of this page is a very long file called
The lines of this file contain either the word UP or DOWN or a pair of numbers. UP and DOWN are instructions for a turtle to lift up or put down its tail. The pairs of numbers are some x,y coordinates. Write a program that reads the filemystery.txt
and uses the turtle to draw the picture described by the commands and the set of points.
Here is the mystery.txt
UP -218 185 DOWN -240 189 -246 188 -248 183 -246 178 -244 175 -240 170 -235 166 -229 163 -220 158 -208 156 -203 153 -194 148 -187 141 -179 133 -171 119 -166 106 -163 87 -161 66 -162 52 -164 44 -167 28 -171 6 -172 -15 -171 -30 -165 -46 -156 -60 -152 -67 -152 -68 UP -134 -61 DOWN -145 -66 -152 -78 -152 -94 -157 -109 -157 -118 -151 -128 -146 -135 -146 -136 UP -97 -134 DOWN -98 -138 -97 -143 -96 -157 -96 -169 -98 -183 -104 -194 -110 -203 -114 -211 -117 -220 -120 -233 -122 -243 -123 -247 -157 -248 -157 -240 -154 -234 -154 -230 -153 -229 -149 -226 -146 -223 -145 -219 -143 -214 -142 -210 -141 -203 -139 -199 -136 -192 -132 -184 -130 -179 -132 -171 -133 -162 -134 -153 -138 -145 -143 -137 -143 -132 -142 -124 -138 -112 -134 -104 -132 -102 UP -97 -155 DOWN -92 -151 -91 -147 -89 -142 -89 -135 -90 -129 -90 -128 UP -94 -170 DOWN -83 -171 -68 -174 -47 -177 -30 -172 -15 -171 -11 -170 UP 12 -96 DOWN 9 -109 9 -127 7 -140 5 -157 9 -164 22 -176 37 -204 40 -209 49 -220 55 -229 57 -235 57 -238 50 -239 49 -241 51 -248 53 -249 63 -245 70 -243 57 -249 62 -250 71 -250 75 -250 81 -250 86 -248 86 -242 84 -232 85 -226 81 -221 77 -211 73 -205 67 -196 62 -187 58 -180 51 -171 47 -164 46 -153 50 -141 53 -130 54 -124 57 -112 56 -102 55 -98 UP 48 -164 DOWN 54 -158 60 -146 64 -136 64 -131 UP 5 -152 DOWN 1 -150 -4 -145 -8 -138 -14 -128 -19 -119 -17 -124 UP 21 -177 DOWN 14 -176 7 -174 -6 -174 -14 -170 -19 -166 -20 -164 UP -8 -173 DOWN -8 -180 -5 -189 -4 -201 -2 -211 -1 -220 -2 -231 -5 -238 -8 -241 -9 -244 -7 -249 6 -247 9 -248 16 -247 21 -246 24 -241 27 -234 27 -226 27 -219 27 -209 27 -202 28 -193 28 -188 28 -184 UP -60 -177 DOWN -59 -186 -57 -199 -56 -211 -59 -225 -61 -233 -65 -243 -66 -245 -73 -246 -81 -246 -84 -246 -91 -245 -91 -244 -88 -231 -87 -225 -85 -218 -85 -211 -85 -203 -85 -193 -88 -185 -89 -180 -91 -175 -92 -172 -93 -170 UP -154 -93 DOWN -157 -87 -162 -74 -168 -66 -172 -57 -175 -49 -178 -38 -178 -26 -178 -12 -177 4 -175 17 -172 27 -168 36 -161 48 -161 50 UP -217 178 DOWN -217 178 -217 177 -215 176 -214 175 -220 177 -223 178 -223 178 -222 178 UP -248 185 DOWN -245 184 -240 182 -237 181 -234 179 -231 177 -229 176 -228 175 -226 174 -224 173 -223 173 -220 172 -217 172 -216 171 -214 170 -214 169 UP -218 186 DOWN -195 173 -183 165 -175 159 -164 151 -158 145 -152 139 -145 128 -143 122 -139 112 -138 105 -134 95 -131 88 -129 78 -126 67 -125 62 -125 54 -124 44 -125 38 -126 30 -125 27 -125 8 -126 5 -125 -9 -122 -15 -115 -25 -109 -32 -103 -39 -95 -42 -84 -45 -72 -47 -56 -48 -41 -47 -31 -46 -18 -45 -1 -44 9 -43 34 -45 50 -52 67 -61 83 -68 95 -80 112 -97 142 -115 180 -132 200 -146 227 -159 259 -175 289 -185 317 -189 349 -190 375 -191 385 -192 382 -196 366 -199 352 -204 343 -204 330 -205 315 -209 296 -212 276 -214 252 -208 237 -202 218 -197 202 -193 184 -187 164 -179 147 -173 128 -168 116 -164 102 -160 88 -158 78 -159 69 -162 57 -164 56 -165 51 -165 UP 68 -144 DOWN 83 -143 96 -141 109 -139 119 -146 141 -150 161 -155 181 -163 195 -169 208 -179 223 -187 241 -191 247 -193 249 -194 UP -6 -141 DOWN -15 -146 -29 -150 -42 -154 -51 -153 -60 -152 -60 -152 UP -90 -134 DOWN -85 -131 -79 -128 -78 -123 -80 -115 -82 -106 -80 -101 -76 -101 UP -81 -132 DOWN -76 -130 -71 -126 -72 -124 UP 43 -118 DOWN 44 -125 47 -135 41 -156 37 -160 40 -166 47 -171 47 -171 UP -106 -153 DOWN -107 -167 -106 -178 -109 -192 -114 -198 -116 -201